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Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Giddy in Boobieville

February 8, 2006

Maybe it’s just me or what ever that part of me which worries to no end over bad things that might happen. But in the end, what I was most worried about did not happen. It's also a tribute to Dr. Meltzer's skill and judgement as a surgeon. Instead, I got the opposite, hypersensitive nipples and they have become the most difficult thing for me to deal with for now. The constant flows of sensation from them gives me a headache and while some parts of my BA still hurt slightly and my LP is swollen and hurts at times, the hypersensitivity problem is enough to make me stop what I’m doing. Jen & I have been walking to more each day and the discomfort and pain from what I’m wearing on my nipples is enough to shorten or stop our walks together. Tylenol and Motrin work to help make this problem better. Being Braless does not help either. The added weight does get some getting use to as heavier boobies has changed my posture more than I imagined and I’m still in the learning process with how best to deal with this.

My boobies are still high, hard and swollen. It’s going to be a few months before they soften and drop to their final resting position. Massaging them helps me learn more about that new part of my body and aids in the recovery process. My tops just barely fit now due to the girls being in Boobieville. Otherwise, Jen and friends who are here during our stay have noted how giddy I have been over the past few days. Last year nearly 300,000 women got Breast Augmentation. This is the second most common cosmetic procedure for women with lipo suction being number one. I’m beginning to understand why BA is so popular among women for cosmetic procedures. It not only changes your body shape to a degree I did not understand until now, but they definitely make me feel more female in many ways. I was a small ‘B’ before BA and now I’m going to be a somewhere’ C’. What I had naturally put in my mind all those female sensations and problems that come with breast ownership, but now that my breast are fuller and far better proportioned to my body, it changes not only the visual aspects of my body, it changed how they feel. Even now, so early post-op, they really do feel like they are a part of me that should have been there originally. I guess this is just another part of living in a female body and having top and bottom makes the mind and soul feel more at home which is why I have been so Giddy in Boobieville for the past few days.

I joined a group of women who were scheduled for BA near the time of my BA. This group of women has been so wonderful and so supportive in so many ways. There is still a negative social stigma regarding women who decide to get BA. Many are looked upon as slutty women with huge breast who work in the sex / adult entertainment industry, but the fact is, every woman I have met on this list is just the opposite. Most are married with loving hubbies and children. Many have suffered from the ravages of breast feeding their children or born with breast deformities or breast that are out of proportion with their bodies. They endure the BA procedure with the hope of getting a body they can feel good about. Basically, they are doing this for themselves and not to please those that might notice as the primary reason. All of us on that list are now post BA and most had few problems and are happy with the results visual and emotional. I would like to thank these women for sharing our experiences with BA and other aspects of their lives. It also reinforces my previous experiences with my mom friends that relationships among women are very different than those between men. I believe part of this is hormonal, biological, and genetic and is fixed in our basic being. The other aspects are social and cultural. It is a complex thing, but the fact remains, having a given body type does not determine who you really are and how you relate to those around you. My mom friends accepted me and treated me just like any of the other moms regardless of my physical male body at the time. Many are still my closest friends as we have watched and shared the journey of our children growing up. I feel blessed to have the experience of caring for our children and sharing with those on the same journey.

Labiaplasty has its own set of challenges post-op and while it is considered a low risk procedure and not to be really concerned with. Swelling is the one to be concerned with. I kept my activity level as low as possible post op as the more you do, the more it swells. Ice on and off every 30 to 45 minutes for the first few days makes a difference. My labia minora / majora and vulva looked huge and bloated on the first day or so. It is now day 6 post and the swelling has significantly reduced. I used pads only when we went out for short periods of time. I went bare bottoms with no pads or undies while I was in bed or lounging around at the B&B. Keep the area clean and rinse with the sitz bottle after going to the potty and Bacatracin on the suture lines as directed by Dr. Meltzer. Overall, Labiaplasty has not been really painful for me after the first few days. It’s really like a mini VAG as you get to do the crab walk for the first few days and all those same problems encountered during the VAG. I’m beginning to get a sense of what my final vulva is going to look like and I think it’s going to be fine. My expectation for this procedure is centered on functionally rather than visual and that is pretty much what I got. It is amazing that my vulva turned out the way it did in function and appearance.


Blogger Nicole Thomas said...

Hi Bernice,

I'm so glad that everything is going well for you.

To ease your nipple hypersensitivity you might try getting the nipple pads that women use when they are breast feeding. Un fortunately, since you can't wear a bra you'd probably have to tape the pad into place. Still, it might be just what you need.

Hugs, Nicole

11:35 AM  

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